Custom Wolf Upgrades & Repairs

For those things that you can't just click and buy, S2S Hop Solutions is here to help you solve more complicated Wolf hop harvester projects.

Give us a call or email and we would be happy to work with you.

Some of the projects we have expertise with include:


  • Ship to our facility
  • Replace all hardware
  • Plane existing wooden bars or replace with new one if broken
  • Re-fit picker fingers for picking another 300,000 hop bines.
  • Ship back to you farm


We will work with you to get the exact measurements for any of your Wolf hop harvester belts for a fast and efficient replacement.

    It's recommended every harvest facility carry these conveyor belts on-hand. We generally carry select conveyor belts for Wolf 140/170/220/280 in our warehouse in case of on-farm emergencies during harvest season.

    If a size can not be found in our online store please contact us directly and we will assist directly for your individual needs. Belts for WHE 300/340/400/500/513 can be manufactured in our facility in British Columbia upon request.

    Use the convenient diagram to discuss with us which belt you are looking to replace.

    Wolf Hop Harvester Upgrades

      • Wolf 140 -> 170  |  Wolf 220 -> 280

        • Increase the picking efficiency of your Wolf hop harvester by 20 to 30% with a simple and cost effective upgrade. Install two additional picking drums. With the additional surface area of rotating picking bars, hop bines can travel through the harvester at a faster rate. The result - a significantly bigger harvest with the same machine. This small investment will undoubtedly pay for itself within one harvest season.
        Wolf hop harvester upgrade
          • Wolf 140 --> 170 upgrade kit

            • UPGRADE DETAILS
              • 5 original picking drums
              • Add 2 more picking drums for a total of 7 drums
              • Additional surface area of picker bars allows a faster in-feed rate of the hop bines - an increase of about 22% or 30 more bines/hr for a total of 170 bines/hour.
            • Kit includes spec drums, picker bars and hardware, and bearings. Contact S2S  for current pricing.


          • Wolf 220 --> 280 upgrade kit

            • UPGRADE DETAILS
              • 7 original picking drums
              • Add 2 more picking drums for a total of 9 drums
              • Additional surface area of picker bars allows a faster in-feed rate of the hop bines - an increase of about 27% or 60 more bines/hr for a total of 280 bines/hour.
            • Kit includes spec drums, picker bars and hardware and bearings. Contact S2S for current pricing.